Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Transformer 2 Revenge of the Fallen review, trailers download

This is the second sequel of popular movie, The Transformer. Its Revenge of the Fallen. Transformer 2 is an action movie with great animation and visual effects.Watching Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is like going to one of those chain all-you-can-eat buffet restaurants: The potatoes may be overbaked, the green beans limp and the beef lukewarm, but no way are you walking out of there hungry. This mindless, soulless sequel is sensory overload with barely a story, but it will still manage to please the teenage male demographic with constant, if confusing action.

transformer 2 - revengeRobot-wise, the big names from the first film are back, with plenty of Starscream/Megatron bitching and a completely insane opening sequence in Shanghai, with Optimus Prime duking it out with what appears to be a demented, giant unicycle. Optimus gets an upgrade here too, with glowing sword attachments that will bring tears to the eye of 30-something men everywhere.

transformer 2Synopsis:

Synopsis: In the highly-anticipated Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, debuting June 24, 2009, Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) again joins with the Autobots® against their sworn enemies, the Decepticons®. Michael Bay directs from a screenplay written by Ehren Kruger & Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman.


The films biggest problem is its choppy style, which shows up every flaw in the exo-skeleton. The movie tries a little too hard to be funny, with the always-value-for-money John Turturro fighting to keep his secret Agent wannabe afloat, and far, far too much comic relief. The idea of twins who talk in hip-hop rhymes may have been amusing in a cartoon when you were eight, but here it feels like overkill.

transformers-pics-02The movie was alright, but the ending was pretty weak. Also, this movie was based off the cartoon (apparently) and that was made for kids. That being said, there was far too much sexual shots and images completely innapropriate. The movie didn’t need that kind of imagry, and it just goes to show the director and writer of the movie lack imagination if they have to put that kind of garbage into their film. The acting was overdramatic, there were too many main villans and you couldn’t keep track of who was who. There was added humor where humor was unecessary, and ruined the scene. Lots, of repeition in fighting. You should not see this movie if you’re under 13 because it has certain scenes that are not appropriate for children, and unecessary pictures of girls. This movie got a D+/C- from the critics so clearly I’m not the only one who finds this movie bad. I reccomend you rent the movie on DVD as its a waste of money to see it in the theatre.

Starting with megan fox, shes good looking, apart from the slow motion running scene in the desert to make sure you stay seated (if your a 15 year old boy) there wasn’t much sexual content. Well, other then that crazy decepticon-girl which I agree was totally pointless. That was a poor choice in my oppinion. Whats the point of having that in, doesn’t add to the story 1 bit.

Then for the twins. My god, their special effects just look cheap compared to the other autobots. Big goofy cartoon eyes, obviously meant as comic relief but then again, where are all the other autobots? A few scenes with optimus, fewer with the rest of them. It was basically a story of the twins and bumblebee…with lots of humans which were also either there for sex appeal or comic relief. Sam was the only somewhat ’serious’ character in there. I mean come on, the main cast was: twins(comic relief), bumblebee(badass who got his voice back at the end of the first movie just to lose it again this movie and revert back to radioman), Megan Fox (eye-candy), conspiracy nutcase(can’t even remember his name), Sector 7 Johnie(comic relief), Shia who ofc played sam and was the only ‘real character.’ So 1 star, 4 comic relief, 1 eye candy… Makes you wonder how Micheal Bay figured out that would be a winning set-up. In the first movie at least you only had sector 7 as the comic relief, the rest were at least somewhat believable. Well, not really but still.

Transformer 2 Trailer:


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